Born into a conservative family in a provincial town in Haryana, Kalpana Chawla dreamt of the stars. And through sheer hard work, indomitable intelligence and immense faith in herself, she became the first PBI – Indian woman to travel to space, and even more remarkably, to travel twice. In this well-researched biography, journalist Anil Padmanabhan talks to people who knew her’ family and friends at Karnal, and colleagues at NASA’to produce a moving portrait of a woman whose life was a shining affirmation that if you have a dream, no matter how hard it is, you can achieve it.
Books Author: Padmanabhan Anil
Number Of Pages: 116
Language: English
Publisher: Penguin Random House India
Books Category: Biography & Memoirs
Book Format: Paperback
Books_ISBN: 143335863
Other Feature 2: Weight: 88 grams
Other Feature 3: Size: 111 x 181 x 7 mm
Publication Date: May 03, 2003
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