"Charming, brilliant, and innovative. This book asserts that Khalafniuk may be the greatest living expert on Stalin. A must-read work."
Simon Sebag Montefiordi, Stalin’s writer, Tsar’s Red Court.
Khalfniuk can take us into the inner sanctuary of a despot’s power, showing us how he rules his subordinates–the whole affliction, in fact–with a whip and gingerbread, the Russian version of carrot and stick, an elaborate painting by an accomplished historian.
Ronald Gregor Sunny, writer of the Soviet experience, Russia, the USSR, and successor states.
Written work In a beautiful and witty style, it contains deep moral lessons, and attracts you to read it. Stalin: A New Autobiography of a Tyrant will become a model against which all future biographies of Stalin will be compared. Fabulous work."-Jean Plumber, author of Stalin’s Reverence: A Study in the Semiotics of Power.
&The autobiography of Oleg Khalfnyuk adds much to our understanding of Stalin. His judicious analysis draws a clear dividing line between what we know from sober research and what we should ignore as speculation only. The result is a sobering record of nostalgia for Stalin rule." – David Holloway, writer of Stalin and the Bomb.
&Oleg Khalfnyuk is the undisputed Russian scholar of Soviet history…One leaves this book with a much greater understanding of some of Europe’s darkest decades." -Andrea Graziosi, writer of the history of the USSR.
Oleg F. Khalfnyuk is a well-known research fellow at the International Center for History and Sociology of the Second World War and its Consequences at the Higher School of Economics of the National Research University, and a research fellow at the State Archives of the Russian Federation. A list of his previous books published by Yale University includes: A History of the Gulag, The Master of the House: Stalin and His Inner Ring, and several collections of Stalin’s Correspondence.
Books Author: Nasser Jarrous
Language: English
Publisher: Nasser Jarrous
Books Category: Biography & Memoirs
Book Format: Paperback
Books_ISBN: 9953587744
Publication Date: September 27, 2016
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